Sometimes we just need to jump in and start …

There are times in life when we realize that we are just not heading in the direction we would like. And something in us wants to launch out on our own and do something different. Take an idea of our own and turn it into reality. And yet something stops us. Sometimes it is the ‘momentum problem’ – where we are heading in a certain direction and it is difficult to change direction. Sometimes it is the classic ‘fear of failure’ – where we are afraid if we tried something new and it failed it would mean we are a failure (this one can be a deep down fear that is difficult to see); and sometimes it is because we doubt that we really have something to offer, things like ‘my idea has already been done before’ or ‘I am just having trouble coming up with something’.

Sometimes we just need to jump in and start.

I am here to help you take the leap, find your magic string, live a life of meaning and adventure, do something that makes a difference in the lives of other people and by doing ‘what you are made for’, discovering the true you.

I believe in the power of people to make a difference in the world. I have been working in startups for the past 15 years, with a number of years of experience before that working as a more traditional employee. The light went on one day when I realized the company where I worked was run by ‘just a bunch of people’ who really didn’t know what they were doing as much as I would have thought. Once I made the decision to venture out on my own, everything changed for me. It has been a wild ride that I wouldn’t change.

So, are you ready to jump in and start? Interested in having a conversation about what life could be like as an entrepreneur. I am here to help you. Contact me and let’s get started.