About Me

My Name is David Sigler and I am the owner of The Magic String Company. I am focused on helping you create a new life, starting with your life as an entrepreneur and then creating a powerful online presence to communicate your message. I have been working intensely in the startup world for the past 15 years, having begun my life as an entrepreneur over 35 years ago as a teenager. I have always been fascinated by business – how it works, why people choose to do what they do, how to make things work better and how to get more people ‘in the front door’. If there is one overriding thing I have learned over the years I would say that it is to get customers. Second most important, keep your customers. Why do I say this? Very simple. If you have paying customers, you have a business. If you create something that you think is valuable and nobody wants it, you have a hobby. This might sound a bit harsh, but in the end, with all the things that we can do, it helps keep ‘the main thing the main thing’ as Stephen Covey used to say.

My view of how people should approach their work life is captured in the following piece I wrote:

You are a business.
Maybe you work for someone else.
Maybe you have an idea and you want to make something of it.
Maybe you want to head in a new direction.
But you are a business.

You’re the president of the startup that is ‘you’.
You are in control of production, quality control and marketing.
You are in charge of sales, human resources and finance.
And you have something that nobody else has.
The uniqueness that is you – your brand.

And you need to express yourself.

So, what are you doing about it?